Try before you buy with Shoshin

We know how important match and training equipment is for clubs across the UK, and how trust in your equipment helps you coach and prepare your team for matches. Trying something new can be scary and you need to develop that trust in the brand and product.

As the exclusive provider of Shoshin sporting equipment, we want to help gain that trust with clubs of all levels across UK so we are offering 50 Netball and 50 Rugby Clubs the chance to try the Shoshin Balls before you buy them.

How do you get your club involved? Simply fill out the form below and we will send you two of the NEW and EXCLUSIVE Shoshin Match and Training Netball or the Shoshin Match and Training Rugby Ball all for FREE! If you like them, we can offer you a special 15% discount off your full training and match equipment across Shoshin and the rest of our range.

Davies Sports is the exclusive provider of Shoshin coaching equipment. To help you make your decision on your netball and rugby coaching and training equipment, we are offering 50 Netball Clubs and 50 Rugby Clubs the chance to try the Shoshin match and training balls before you buy them.