Take a mindfulness approach to Children’s Mental Health Week

Take a mindfulness approach to Children’s Mental Health Week

Take a mindfulness approach to Children’s Mental Health Week


Davies Sports is here to inspire all generations to Play, Learn and Compete and that includes developing techniques for a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.

According to a poll with the National Association of Headteachers conducted by Place2Be, the children’s charity that runs Children’s Mental Health Week each February, 95% of staff had witnessed an increase in pupil anxiety during the 2021/22 school year. Whilst it’s no surprise that world events have taken a toll on the mental health of young people, it is more important than ever to introduce stress-relieving activities into a normalised routine.


Yoga for movement, mind and meditation

Can you provide ‘switch-off’ sessions in school? It’s well documented that activity can improve mood and general feelings of happiness but what about the more meditative and self-reflective activities? Is there a positive agenda to improve children’s mental health in your school?

Our yoga boards are perfect for Key Stage 1 and demonstrate the key positions and moves for beginner’s yoga, via an illustrative frog. Try coordinating the frog’s moves to soothing music, or alongside breathing exercises, as part of a low-key lesson to help children learn about relaxation. Whilst taking position, ask them to take a deep breath and think about a fun, outdoor experience they had with a friend or family. Making positive associations between movement and thought, where technology hasn’t been involved, will reinforce the benefits and enjoyability of activities that do not rely on digital and in turn, have a beneficial impact on children’s mental health.


As children progress to Key Stage 2, you can incorporate a Swiss Ball into the routine. Here’s a YouTube video with some tips and exercises we like specifically for children which help improve core functionality and strengthen muscles. This type of exercise is ideal for those who don’t like team sports as much as activities they can perform on their own. To keep them motivated and make it fun, create progress charts to monitor their improvement.

Whilst it may be difficult within the school environment, children can benefit from quiet, reflective time. Happiness app, Headspace documents how mindfulness can improve attention and behavioural problems in young people, as well as reduce stress – see here. Help children to centre themselves, be in the moment and not get carried away with the small stresses and strains life throws at them. Grab the yoga mat, hit the floor and breathe!


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